When we designed our different models we did not want to modify the essence of our sound, but we wanted to enhance those qualities that give us having instruments with different sizes.
That is why our three models are so different but so similar at the same time.

Attention lovers of SOUND in capital letters! With a concentrically larger centimeter than our F model.
The J Series is a jumbo Spanish acoustic guitar, with a large rounded body. Its tone is really special: crisp, reverberant, deep and very powerful. Our J model is the perfect guitar to play classical works, as well as to unleash the fingerstyle and experiment with percussion on the guitar.

Although we like it as much as all LGG guitars, we feel something very special for our F Series. Our first guitar.
A medium-sized acoustic guitar similar to a Spanish guitar that makes it quite handy. It features a highly balanced and very deep sound, with a full range of harmonics and a truly powerful volume. In this way we create the essence of the LGG sound and our SPANISH ACOUSTIC GUITARS concept. F comes from folk. However, it is the guitarists who have chosen this model who have taught us why they succeed so much: their versatility makes them adapt to any style.

It is our smallest model. Exactly one centimeter concentrically than our F model.
Its name comes from the word SMALL because it is the smallest LGG guitar. Although it can also come from STRONG. Our Spanish parlor acoustic guitar is what you see and much more. Its mini format gives guitarists a wide margin for fingerpicking. The S Series presents a sound full of interesting dynamics: sharp, smooth, crisp and powerful. All at the same time. You will no doubt choose our S model for its enormous capacity for folk and pop music, for its nostalgic airs and because it is perfect for highlighting voices with a strong personality.

This is our most premium instrument. In this way we call our high-end instrument. A boutique instrument with an extreme dedication to achieve a level of ornamentation, details and finishes more of a work of art.
Remember that all our guitars are custom made and can be customized. Do you want to know the details?

We started building classical and flamenco guitars, but we wanted to have a Nylon Series different from the rest. We wanted to provide the modern guitarist with the most contemporary guitar ever seen.
So we implement cutting-edge techniques to push ergonomics to the limit, but always with the tradition of the Spanish guitar as a reference.